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10000 Razones | 10,000 Reasons | Lenta / Slow |
A Ti Adoramos | We Praise You | Rapida / Fast |
Abre Los Ojos | Open The Eyes | Rapida / Fast |
Agua Viva | Living Water | Lenta / Slow |
Al Clamarte a Ti | As We Call Out to You | Lenta / Slow |
Al Mundo Paz | Joy to the World | Navidad / Christmas |
Al Que Es Digno - Vencio | Spanish Only | Rapida / Fast |
Alabanzas al Rey | Praise to the King | Navidad / Christmas |
Aleluya al Senor | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Aleluya | Alleluia | Lenta / Slow |
Aliento de Dios | Breath of God | Navidad / Christmas |
Aliento Divino | Breath of Heaven | Navidad / Christmas |
Amor Sin Condicion | Reckless Love | Lenta / Slow |
Aquella Cruz | Mighty Cross | Lenta / Slow |
Bendito Sea Tu Nombre | Blessed Be Your Name | Rapida / Fast |
Benditos | Blessed | Lenta / Slow |
Buen Buen Padre | Good Good Father | Lenta / Slow |
Calvario | Calvary | Lenta / Slow |
Cancion de Apocalipsis | Revelation Song | Lenta / Slow |
Canta al Senor | Shout to the Lord | Lenta / Slow |
Cantare de Tu Amor por Siempre | I Could Sing of Your Love Forever | Lenta / Slow |
Ciudad de Paz | City of Peace | Lenta / Slow |
Como en el Cielo | Here as in Heaven | Lenta / Slow |
Como No Voy A Creer | Too Good To Not Believe | Lenta / Slow |
Con Manos Alzadas | Hands to the Heavens | Lenta / Slow |
Con Todo | With Everything | Rapida / Fast |
Conmigo Estas | You Hold Me Now | Lenta / Slow |
Construire Mi Vida | Build My Life | Lenta / Slow |
Cordero y el Leon | Lion and the Lamb | Rapida / Fast |
Correre | We will run | Rapida / Fast |
Creo en Ti | I Believe in You | Lenta / Slow |
Cristo en el Cielo | Jesus, Lord of Heaven | Lenta / Slow |
Cuan Bello es el Señor | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Cuanto Nos Ama | How He Loves Us | Lenta / Slow |
Cuantos Reyes | How Many Kings | Navidad / Christmas |
Damos Honor a Ti | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Danzaremos | We Will Dance | Lenta / Slow |
De Pie | The Stand | Lenta / Slow |
Desde Mi Interior | From the Inside Out | Lenta / Slow |
Dia Feliz | Oh Happy Day | Rapida / Fast |
Digno de Honor | Worthy of all Praise | Rapida / Fast |
Digno Eres Señor | Worthy is the Lamb | Lenta / Slow |
Dios de esta Ciudad | God of this City | Lenta / Slow |
Dios Es Podereso | God Is Able | Lenta / Slow |
Dios Eterno | Everlasting | Rapida / Fast |
Dios Puede Salvar | Mighty To Save | Lenta / Slow |
Eco | Echo | Rapida / Fast |
El Credo | The Creed | Lenta / Slow |
El es el Rey | Spanish Only | Rapida / Fast |
El es Nuestro Dios | This is Our God | Lenta / Slow |
El es Yahve | He is Yahweh | Lenta / Slow |
El Futuro Empezo | God's Great Dance Floor | Rapida / Fast |
El Gran Yo Soy | The Great I Am | Lenta / Slow |
El Resucito | Resurrecting | Lenta / Slow |
En La Cruz | At The Cross | Lenta / Slow |
En Tu Luz | Spanish Only | Rapida / Fast |
En Tu Nombre | Spanish Only | Rapida / Fast |
En Tus Brazos | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Enciende Un Fuego | Set a Fire | Lenta / Slow |
Encuentrame Otra Vez | Here Again | Lenta / Slow |
Eres Todopoderoso | Spanish Only | Rapida / Fast |
Eres Tu | You Are | Rapida / Fast |
Es Navidad | Spanish Only | Navidad / Christmas |
Feliz Navidad | I Wanna Wish You a Merry Christmas | Navidad / Christmas |
Fiel Eres Tu Senor | Unchanging | Rapida / Fast |
Fuego Santo | Holy Fire | Lenta / Slow |
Gloria a El(Fuerza y Poder) | Yours(Glory and Praise) | Lenta / Slow |
Gloriosa Luz | Glorious Day | Rapida / Fast |
Gracia sin Fin | Scandal of Grace | Lenta / Slow |
Gracia sublime es | This is Amazing Grace | Rapida / Fast |
Grande Eres, Dios | Great Are You, Lord | Lenta / Slow |
Grandes Tus Obras | Great Things | Rapida / Fast |
Gratitud | Gratitude | Lenta / Slow |
Guiame a la Cruz | Lead Me to the Cross | Lenta / Slow |
Haz Llover | Let It Rain | Lenta / Slow |
He Decidido | I Have Decided | Lenta / Slow |
Hermoso Nombre | What a Beautiful Name It Is | Lenta / Slow |
Hosana (La alabanza elevamos) | Hosanna (Praise is rising) | Rapida / Fast |
Hosana (Una alabanza) | Hosanna(A song of praise) | Rapida / Fast |
Hosana (Veo al Rey de Gloria) | Hosanna (I See the King of Glory) | Lenta / Slow |
Increible | Amazing | Rapida / Fast |
Inmenso Amor | Amazing Love | Lenta / Slow |
Isaias 9:6 | It's Christmas | Navidad / Christmas |
Jesus en Pesebre | Away in a Manger | Navidad / Christmas |
Jireh | Jireh | Lenta / Slow |
La Bendicion | The Blessing | Lenta / Slow |
La Bondad de Dios | Goodness of God | Lenta / Slow |
La Nina de Tus Ojos | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
La Primera Navidad | The First Noel | Navidad / Christmas |
Levanto Mis Manos | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Levanto Un Aleluya | Raise A Hallelujah | Lenta / Slow |
Lo Haras Otra Vez | Do It Again | Lenta / Slow |
Manos Abiertas | Wide as the Sky | Lenta / Slow |
Maravilloso Dios | Indescribable | Lenta / Slow |
Maria Sabias Que | Mary Did You Know | Navidad / Christmas |
Mas Amor, Mas Poder | More Love, More Power | Rapida / Fast |
Me Entrego | Lay Me Down | Rapida / Fast |
Me Inunda | Overwhelmed | Lenta / Slow |
Me Viniste a Rescatar | Came to My Rescue | Lenta / Slow |
Mi Escudo | Protector | Lenta / Slow |
Mi Esperanza | Hope of the World | Lenta / Slow |
Mi Esperanza | Living Hope | Lenta / Slow |
Mi Roca | Cornerstone | Lenta / Slow |
Mi Testimonio | My Testimony | Rapida / Fast |
Milagroso Abres Camino | Way Maker | Lenta / Slow |
Mira Al Hijo De Dios | Look to the Son | Rapida / Fast |
Morare | I Will Stand | Rapida / Fast |
Nada es Imposible | Nothing is Impossible | Rapida / Fast |
Navidad, Navidad | Jingle Bells | Navidad /Christmas |
No Me Soltaras | You Never Let Go | Rapida / Fast |
No se Detendra | Won't Stop Now | Lenta / Slow |
Noche de Paz | Silent Night | Navidad /Christmas |
Nuestro Dios | Our God | Rapida / Fast |
O Ven Bendito Emanuel | O Come O Come Emmanuel | Navidad /Christmas |
Oceanos | Oceans | Lenta / Slow |
Padre Nuestro | Our Father | Lenta / Slow |
Perfume a Tus Pies | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Plenitud | Fullness | Lenta / Slow |
Por Siempre | Forever | Lenta / Slow |
Por Tu Gracia | Good Grace | Lenta / Slow |
Pronto | Soon | Lenta / Slow |
Puedo Imaginarme | I Can Only Imagine | Lenta / Slow |
Que Grande es mi Dios | How Great is our God | Lenta / Slow |
Que Se Llene Tu Casa | Fill Your House | Rapida / Fast |
Que Te Alabe Dios | Bless His Name | Rapida / Fast |
Queremos a Cristo Proclamar | We Want to See Jesus | Rapida / Fast |
Quien Como El Senor | Who Is Like the Lord | Lenta / Slow |
Quien Dices Que Soy | Who You Say I Am | Lenta / Slow |
Reinas por la Eternidad | Forever Reign | Lenta / Slow |
Respiro | Breathe | Lenta / Slow |
Rey de Reyes | King of Kings | Navidad / Christmas |
Rodeado(Asi Peleo Mis Batallas) | Surrounded(This is how I fight my battles) | Lenta / Slow |
Sanador | Healer | Lenta / Slow |
Santa La Noche | O Holy Night | Navidad /Christmas |
Santo es el Senor | Holy is the Lord | Rapida / Fast |
Santo Espiritu | Holy Spirit | Lenta / Slow |
Senor, Eres Fiel | Lord, You Are Good | Lenta / Slow |
Sentado en Su Trono | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Si Tuvieras Fe | Spanish Only | Rapida / Fast |
Siempre | Always | Lenta / Slow |
Soberano | Sovereign Hands | Lenta / Slow |
Solo Cristo | None But Jesus | Lenta / Slow |
Solo en Jesus | In Christ Alone | Lenta / Slow |
Solo Necesito | All I Need Is You | Lenta / Slow |
Solo Tu eres Digno de Loor | You Are Worthy of My Praise | Lenta / Slow |
Sublime Gracia (Ya Libre Soy) | Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone) | Lenta / Slow |
Tal Como Soy | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Te Agradezco | Grateful | Rapida / Fast |
Te Doy Gloria | I Give You Glory | Rapida / Fast |
Te Doy mi Corazon | Lord, I Give You my Heart | Lenta / Slow |
Todo Lo Haces Bien | Something Good | Rapida / Fast |
Toma Todo de Mi | Take All of Me | Rapida / Fast |
Tomame | Spanish Only | Rapida / Fast |
Tu Amor Nunca Falla | Your Love Never Fails | Rapida / Fast |
Tu Eres Dios | Only Way | Lenta Slow |
Tu Eres Dios | Only Way | Rapida / Fast |
Tu Eres Senor | You are my Strength | Lenta / Slow |
Tu Fidelidad | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Tu Gracia En Mi | Your Grace Is Enough | Rapida / Fast |
Tu Gracia Me Alcanzo | Whole Heart | Lenta / Slow |
Tu Gracia | Your Grace | Rapida / Fast |
Tu Mirada | Spanish Only | Lenta / Slow |
Tumbas a Jardines | Graves Into Gardens | Lenta / Slow |
Tus Brazos de Amor | Your Arms of Love | Lenta / Slow |
Una Cosa Permanecera | One Thing Remains | Lenta / Slow |
Vamos a Cantar | We Will Sing | Rapida / Fast |
Ven Ante Su Trono | O Come to the Altar | Lenta / Slow |
Vengo a Adorarte | Here I am to Worship | Lenta / Slow |
Venid Fieles Todos | O Come All Ye Faithful | Navidad / Christmas |
Ver La Victoria | See the Victory | Rapida / Fast |
Viene el Cielo | Here Comes Heaven | Lenta / Slow |
Viento Fresco | Fresh Wind | Lenta / Slow |
Vivire Por Tu Gloria | Live For Your Glory | Rapida / Fast |
Vivo Estás | Alive | Rapida / Fast |
Vivo Estoy | You Are Life | Rapida / Fast |
Yo Tambien | So Will I | Lenta / Slow |