El Es Nuestro Dios / This Is Our God
Espero en Ti,
Y vengo a
rendido Te
by the
I am re
And I will
And I will
Great is the
Servant and
Cuan grande a
Siervo y
(Solo Guitarra y voz)
Y vengo ante tus pies???And I will fall at your feet???
(Creciendo Al Coro)
Solo Letra / Lyrics Only
Tu amor inundo mi corazon creo en Tu palabra Dios Espero en Ti, renuevame con Tu Espiritu Jesús Y vengo ante Tus pies vengo ante Tus pies rendido Te adorare Your presence in me Jesus light the way by the power of Your Word I am restored I am redeemed by Your Spirit I am free And I will fall at Your feet I will fall at Your feet And I will worship You here CORO/CHORUS: Freely You gave it all for us surrendered Your life upon that cross Great is the love poured out for all, this is our God Lifted up high from death to life forever our God is glorified Servant and King rescued the world this is our God Todo lo diste Tu por mi Tu vida entregaste al morir Cuan grande amor El derramo El es nuestro Dios Sobre la muerte El vencio digno de honor y adoracion Siervo y Rey el Salvador El es nuestro Dios Y vengo ante tus pies And I will fall at your feet Coro/Chorus: