

Celebrating recovery

Ministry Leader: Francisco Ahumada
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered 12-step program, which helps people heal from past wounds and pain, and reconnect with God.

Tuesday and Thursday from 6:30 pm to 8 pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito


Ministry Leader: Wilson Hurtado
The mission and vision of the Connections team is to make friends in our church, love them according to the word of God and promote growth in their relationship with Christ.

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity. “ – Proverbs 17:17


Wilson Hurtado – (611)-110-9120

Life groups

Ministry Leader: Miles Morsey
Life groups help you connect with other people and build special relationships, as you grow in the Lord! A place where we share moral support for one another and all are welcome, including singles, couples and families.

Location: All arround the city


Ministry Leader: Pastor Carlos Oliveros
It’s a ministry that keeps things in order in the sanctuary so the congregation can listen to the word of God and the privilege to be a watchman.


Ministry Leader: Pastor Mario de los Santos
The Ministry of Marriage is dedicated to strengthening and enriching marital relationships from a perspective based on the Christian faith. Its mission is to provide resources, guidance, and spiritual support to couples, helping them build strong and lasting marriages according to biblical principles.

“Así que ya no son dos, sino una sola carne. Por tanto, lo que Dios ha unido, que no lo separe el hombre.”
Mateo 19:6 (NVI)

Worship – Alabanza

Ministry Leader: David Cabrera
Calvary Rosarito Worship music is a ministry that is passionate about bringing God
pleasant worship music. We are a team that seeks union and edification in itself.
Through our music, bring the word of life and hope to our community and the world.

Coffee shop

Ministry Leader: Dominic Ochoa
We are the Christian Cafeteria of Calvary Rosarito with the purpose of blessing our family offering quality coffee while supporting Church planting.


Hope widows ministry

Ministry Leader: Letty Ganz
A ministry for widows where they get along together, study the Word, and praise God.

Every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 1pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito

Sister sojouners

Ministry Leader: Jody Gonzales Kornelius
Who are we?
We are Sisters in Christ lifting up and encouraging one another as we strive to live with the love of God flowing out of us.
Our Friday mornings together are filled
with worship, prayer, small group discussions, and Biblical teaching verse by verse through
God’s Word.
Our time together is also filled with a lot of laughter and some amazing snacks.
Each lady receives a workbook as they are encouraged to continue their studying throughout
the week.
While we gather, our children also gather to learn incredible bible lessons, memorize
scripture and are challenged to grow in their own relationship with Jesus all while having fun
and making lasting friendships. We would love to have you join us – the coffee is on and the
snacks are delicious!

Every Friday at 9:30-11:30 am
Location: Calvary Rosarito

Women of Worth & Purpose

Bilingual women’s study, our focus is to equip and disciple our sisters to fulfill the good works God has for them to do.
Efesios/Ephesians 2:10

Every Thursday at 6:30 pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito


Ministry Leader: Eli Serrano
Somos un grupo de mujeres en español, de Calvary Rosarito.
Nos reunimos los Lunes a las 6:30pm. Nuestro propósito es vivir fielmente como mujeres
pacificadoras para poder reflejar a Cristo, como sus hijas.

 Bienaventurados los pacificadores, porque ellos serán llamados hijos de Dios.
Mateo 5:9.

Mondays at 6:30 pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito

Mujeres a los pies de Jesus

Ministry Leader: Benny Ochoa

Tuesdays at 9:30 am
Location: Calvary Rosarito


Hombres de Fe

Ministry Leader: Pastor Juan Carlos Serrano
Es un estudio biblico en español dirigido a varones de edades 15 en adelante.
Cada lunes a las 6:30pm, tienes un espacio para convivir con otros varones, alabar a Dios,
crecer en tu relación con Dios y por supuesto… abrir la palabra de Dios y estudiarla
acompañado de un delicioso café con pan.

Monday 6: 30 pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito



Ministry Leader: Gary Wiram
The social ministry for English-speaking seniors (55+).
Our purpose is to knit our
seasoned saints more closely together as a resource for each other, for our church and for our
Meet for a time of food and fellowship,
along with a special program.

“I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 3:14

Every 1st Thursday of the month at 1pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito

Gary & Ruth –


Agamos – Young adults

Ministry Leader: Pastor David Mendoza
Group of young adults, single without children, that meets on Fridays at 7pm to study the Bible, praise God in fellowship with each other.

Every Friday at 7pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito

Youth Under Grace (Ages 13-17)

Ministry Leader: Pastor Juan Carlos Serrano
It’s the bilingual ministry that serves teenage youth aged 13-17; it’s a suitable group for young people to learn the word of God at a comprehensible and relevant level according to the needs presented by today’s adolescents.

Wednesday at 6:30 pm
Location: Calvary Rosarito

Calvary kids

Ministry Leader: Oliver Zuñiga
Calvary Kids is much more than a safe and fun place to care for children ages 0 to 12 years….
Calvary Kids Exists to teach the whole counsel of God according to the age of each child, and thus they make the decision to have a personal relationship with JESUS all their lives.
At Calvary Kids we are committed to living and transmitting the following biblical values:

UNITY (1 Cor 12:12)
Sal 78:2-8

Calvary Kids is part of the mission of Calvary Rosarito which is to Make Disciples of Jesus, and We do it by being a tool for the great commandment that God has given to the Fathers;
“To make known who the Only True God is and to tell His wonders according to the understanding of each of His children”

Our Pastors

Our church pastors are truly exceptional in their service, embodying unwavering dedication and compassion in every aspect of their ministry

Our church pastors are truly exceptional in their service, embodying unwavering dedication and compassion in every aspect of their ministry

Mike Vincent
Jesus Ochoa
Jorge Blancas
Sabino Cortez
Carlos Oliveros
Mario de los Santos
David Mendoza
Francisco Ahumada
Juan Carlos Serrano
Dio Salinas
Ted Thayer
Paul Boubion
Oliver Zúñiga
Wilson Hurtado
Jacob Arriaga
Dan Valdez
Angel Ureño
Abraham Gonzales
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