Grandes Tus Obras / Great Things

Grandes Tus Obras
Great Things

Intro: ---- 

Ven y adoremos al Rey, 
Ven a postrarte ante El
Grandes sus obras
Mira lo que hace el Señor,
 Mira cuan grande es su amor
Grandes sus obras, Grandes sus obras

El héroe del cielo la muerte vencio
Libera al cautivo, cadenas rompió
Oh Dios, Grandes tus obras
Cantamos alegres en tu libertad
E]xalta su nombre Jesus el Señor
Oh Dios, Grandes tus obras

Interludio: ---

Come let us worship our King, 
come let us bow at His feet
He has done great things
See what our Savior has done, 
see how His love overcomes
He has done great things
He has done great things

Oh, hero of Heaven, You conquered the grave
You free every captive and break every chain
Oh God, You have done great things
We dance in Your freedom, awake and alive
Oh Jesus, our Savior, Your name lifted high
Oh God, You have done great things


Aleluya Dios soberano
Aleluya Dios poderoso
Aleluya Dios grande en poder, 
grande en poder

Hallelujah God, above it all
Hallelujah God, unshakable
Hallelujah, You have done great things

Coro Español

FINAL:  Grandes tus obras,
 grandes tus obras,
grandes tus obras 


Solo Letra / Lyrics Only

INTRO: VERSO: Ven y adoremos al Rey, Ven a postrarte ante El Grandes sus obras Mira lo que hace el Señor, Mira cuan grande es su amor Grandes sus obras, Grandes sus obras CORO: El héroe del cielo la muerte vencio Libera al cautivo, cadenas rompió Oh Dios, Grandes tus obras Cantamos alegres en tu libertad Exalta su nombre Jesus el Señor Oh Dios, Grandes tus obras VERSE: Come let us worship our King, come let us bow at His feet He has done great things See what our Savior has done, see how His love overcomes He has done great things He has done great things CHORUS: Oh, hero of Heaven, You conquered the grave You free every captive and break every chain Oh God, You have done great things We dance in Your freedom, awake and alive Oh Jesus, our Savior, Your name lifted high Oh God, You have done great things PUENTE / BRIDGE: //Aleluya Dios soberano Aleluya Dios poderoso Aleluya Dios grande en poder, grande en poder Hallelujah God, above it all Hallelujah God, unshakable Hallelujah, You have done great things// Coro Español FINAL: Grandes tus obras, grandes tus obras, grandes tus obras Outro
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