Danzaremos / We Will Dance
el novio ven
for the Bridegroom will
The time’s drawing
Solo Letra / Lyrics Only
Canta un himno celebrando, alabanza porque pronto el novio vendrá, Glorioso es El oh, veremos su faz, habrá, gran gozo y paz Sing a song of celebration, Lift up a shout of praise for the Bridegroom will come, the glorious One And Oh, we will look on His face, We'll go, to a much better place Danzaremos en calles de oro, La novia gloriosa y el hijo de Dios De toda lengua, tribu y nación, saldrá un canto de amor We will dance on the streets that are golden, the glorious bride and the great Son of man From every tongue and tribe and nation, we'll join in the song of the Lamb Alegre danza, bailaremos, con júbilo porque la hora es ya, que aparecerá oh, y junto con El, su no via danzará Dance with all your might, Lift up your hands and clap for joy The time's drawing near, when He will appear