Me Viniste a Rescatar / Came to My Rescue

Me Viniste a Rescatar / Came to My Rescue

Vengo ante ti postrado, 
con todo mi ser te quiero ver, 
/Tuyo soy Señor,
Mi vida pongo en tus manos,  
Dios de gracia
Vengo en humildad,
en tu pre/sencia quiero estar??? 

Clamé, me o/íste???  
me viniste a rescatare
contigo /quiero estar???  (2x)

Falling on my knees in worship, 
Giving all I am to seek your face,
Lord /all I am is yours,
My whole life, I place in your hands, 
God of Mercy humbled I bow down
In your presence at your throne

I called ??? you a/nswered, And you came to my rescue
and I, I wanna be w/here you are  (2x)

Con mi fe,  te ex/-altaré,
Con mi amor,te e/xaltaré,
Con mi ser, te exaltaré???  Jesús???(3x)

Solo letra / Only lyrics

Vengo ante ti postrado,
con todo mi ser te quiero ver, 
Tuyo soy Señor,
Mi vida pongo en tus manos,  
Dios de gracia
Vengo en humildad,
en tu presencia quiero estar

Clamé, me oíste
me viniste a rescatare
contigo quiero estar(2x)

Falling on my knees in worship, 
Giving all I am to seek your face,
Lord, all I am is yours
My whole life, I place in your hands, 
God of Mercy humbled I bow down
In your presence at your throne

I called ??? you answered, And you came to my rescue
and I, I wanna be where you are(2x)

Con mi fe,  te exaltaré,
Con mi amor,te exaltaré,
Con mi ser, te exaltaré???  Jesús???(3x)

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