Great is He

Portentoso El – Great is He

Alto (5x) Great is He Who's the King of kings And the Lord of lords He is wonderful! Grande es El Rey de Reyes es Y Señor de señores Portentoso el! (final 3x) Soprano (4x) Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah He is wonderful! Aleluya, Aleluya, Aleluya Portentoso el! (final 3x) Tenor (3x) Hallelujah! Salvation and glory Honor and power He is wonderful! Aleluya! Salvación y gloria Honra y poder Portentoso el! (final 3x)

Solo Letra – Lyrics only

Alto (5x) Great is He Who's the King of kings And the Lord of lords He is wonderful! Grande es El Rey de Reyes es Y Señor de señores Portentoso el! (final 3x) Soprano (4x) Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah He is wonderful! Aleluya, Aleluya, Aleluya Portentoso el! (final 3x) Tenor (3x) Hallelujah! Salvation and glory Honor and power He is wonderful! Aleluya! Salvación y gloria Honra y poder Portentoso el! (final 3x)
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